Tuesday, April 5, 2011

realeyes that

Eyes don' see.
They look.
You see.
You see?
Ears don' hear.
They listen.
You hear.
You hear me?
Fingers don' feel.
They touch.
You feel.
You feel that?
Noses don' smell so good.
Cause the don' smell.
They sniff.
You smell. (haha you smell!)
Do you smell what I am cooking here?
Can you taste it?
Im sure you can,
but your tounge cant.

In the same way
that a hammer cant hammer without a hand,
A mind cannot think without a thinker.
Therefore we can infer,
that the you that sees, hears, feels, smells, tastes, and thinks is
seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, tasting, and thinking!

So going further,
in order to think, feel, smell, etc.
you first have to exist;
you have to be someone.
You have to have a vantage point (an "I am")
in order to say, "Okay I am the seer".

And along with this "I am" comes "I am not", which as it grows and becomes more complex forms what we call the personality, the person. (from Latin persona, mask).
"This is who I am, this is who I am not"

So even this "I" is a mask.

So then it must be asked:
What is That which wears the mask?


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